Senin, 07 Februari 2011


Adolescence is a turbulent period. One of the turbulence that occurs in adolescence is the fluctuation of biological changes. In the biological changes they experience physical changes that differentiate adolescent male and female. These changes occur at puberty in which the changes are quite striking, generally occurs at age 15. The occurrence of physical changes are having an impact on the readiness of individuals who experience it. If teens do not have enough knowledge or clear information about the physical changes they experience, sometimes will lead to anxiety, fear, shame, feeling others and confused. As a result, adolescents tend to develop a poor attitude and tend to settle rather than disappear.
This is a non-experimental research using quantitative methods and cross sectional approach. The sampling technique proportional random sampling. The subject of this research is a third-grade students SMPN 2 Jetis Bantul semester 1 2007/2008 academic year with a total sample of 36 students. The instrument used in the form of questionnaires. Data analysis using Chi Square.
Most of the students' knowledge level SMPN 2 Jetis Bantul about reproductive health is moderate (50%) with most of the students also readiness to face the physical changes of puberty is ready (60.11%). Based on the analysis of unknown value Chi Square Chi Square count> Chi Square table (11.054> 3.481) means that there is a relation between the level of knowledge about reproductive health with a readiness to face the physical changes of puberty, and relationships that occurred is very significant when the p value <0.05 ( 0004 <0.05). It is also known that the higher the level of knowledge, then students tend to be more ready to face the physical changes during puberty.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between knowledge about reproductive health with a readiness to face the physical changes of puberty.

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